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Collusive Oligopoly – Cartel Formation

Kinked Demand Curve
August 16, 2020
Price Leadership
August 16, 2020
Kinked Demand Curve
August 16, 2020
Price Leadership
August 16, 2020

This presentation covers the following concepts:

  1. Collusive Oligopoly – Cartel Formation
  2. Types of Collusions: Cartels & Price Leadership
  3. Cartel Formation
  4. Forms of Cartels: Cartels aiming at joint-profit maximisation & Cartels aiming at the sharing of the market (Quota Agreements & Non-price Competition Agreements)
  5. Examples of Cartels: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), International Vitamin Cooperation, De Beers – Diamond Cartel & Cement Cartel

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